Article dans la gazette de Montpellier

Publié dans Children (Maternelles et Primaires), Teenagers & Students (Collégiens, Lycéens et Etudiants) | Marqué avec , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire

Articles dans la Gazette de Montpellier

Publié dans Children (Maternelles et Primaires), PRO : Adultes, Entreprises et Enseignement supérieur, Teenagers & Students (Collégiens, Lycéens et Etudiants) | Marqué avec , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire

La récolte d’Enjoy English!


Well done to all the young gardeners! Grapes, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Squash : all organic, nice and juicy 🙂





Publié dans Children (Maternelles et Primaires), PRO : Adultes, Entreprises et Enseignement supérieur, Teenagers & Students (Collégiens, Lycéens et Etudiants) | Marqué avec , , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire

Chez Enjoy English on accueille l’été dans le potager :-)

Après avoir planté les semis de tomate et étudié en Anglais le cycle de vie des plantes avant les vacances de Février, les enfants ont planté juste avant les vacances de Pâques les pieds directement en terre dans le potager.

L’entretien BIO se fait sans aucun traitement à base de pesticide ni de de produits chimiques. Nous utilisons comme seul engrais le compost obtenu par les fruits bio du tea time et la tonte du jardin.

Chez Enjoy English on apprend l’Anglais à Montpellier entre nature et découvertes,  dans le potager en s’amusant !

Marie a récolté son premier artichaut planté en Octobre dernier, c’est maintenant l’époque des: tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, artichokes, peppers, courgettes and soon melons ….

Publié dans Children (Maternelles et Primaires), PRO : Adultes, Entreprises et Enseignement supérieur, Teenagers & Students (Collégiens, Lycéens et Etudiants) | Marqué avec , , , | Laisser un commentaire

Enjoy English and Our Principles


At Enjoy English we are proud to live and work by our principles and to show the children who come to us that respect for others and the environment is important for their well-being and their future.

For this reason we provide local and organic fruits for the children at teatime and we explain the importance of eating seasonally and healthily.  Sharing and waiting their turn is insisted on as well as tidying after themselves.

We make efforts to reduce printed hand outs, use both sides of the paper and we recycle all paper and plastic products as well as composting fruit and vegetables to reduce waste.  Lights are only used when necessary.

At Enjoy English we encourage team spirit and aim to promote kindness to others, sharing and responsibility for acts and words. Being open-minded to the ideas and cultures of others is promoted.

Competition is encouraged between teams and never individuals to avoid any feeling of failure.  Of course any potential mockery or cruelty that can occur when children are in groups is forbidden and dealt with immediately.

We believe that children should stay innocent and should never be involved in any commercialization of any nature.  That is why you will never see any Enjoy English personnel outside the school gates giving publicity to children.  For us this is exploitation of children’s vulnerable impressions and we judge that it is unfair to market or communicate to children.  The parents of the children who come to us are our clients, never the children.  They are the learners.

At Enjoy English we believe in the respect for other people’s opinions. That includes children and adults so please feel free to give us yours in any way you like, telephone, e-mail, blog or of course in person.

See you soon and thank you for your attention.

Luisa Miller

Publié dans Children (Maternelles et Primaires), PRO : Adultes, Entreprises et Enseignement supérieur, Teenagers & Students (Collégiens, Lycéens et Etudiants) | Marqué avec , , , | 2 commentaires